Moto 360 Calorie Tracking with Lifesum: A User's Guide

Moto 360 Calorie Tracking with Lifesum: A User's Guide

The Moto 360 seamlessly integrates with third-party apps, allowing you to track your calories effortlessly. One such app is "Lifesum," and here's a guide on how to make the most of its features on your Moto 360:

Calorie Tracking with Lifesum:
- Lifesum is a third-party app compatible with Moto 360 for efficient calorie tracking.
- The app prominently displays your calorie goal, making it easily accessible on your wrist.
- Utilize the plus button at the bottom of the app to log your meals, water intake, snacks, and more.

Circular Green Progress Bar:
- As you log food and water data, a circular green progress bar fills up on the Lifesum app.
- This visual indicator helps you monitor your progress towards meeting your calorie goals.

Connecting Lifesum with Google Fit:

1. Access Progress in Lifesum:
   - Tap on "Progress" located on the bottom tab bar in your Diary within the Lifesum app.
2. Navigate to Profile and Settings:
   - Select "Profile" and then locate the gear symbol for settings.
3. Enable Automatic Tracking:
   - Look for the option called "Automatic Tracking" and tap on it.
4. Connect to Google Fit:
   - Within Automatic Tracking, find the Google Fit box with a green Connect button.
   - Tap the Connect button and follow the on-screen instructions to link Lifesum with Google Fit.

- Ensure that Google Fit is either preinstalled on your device or download it before connecting with Lifesum.

By following these steps, you'll enhance your Moto 360 experience by seamlessly integrating Lifesum for convenient and effective calorie tracking. For further assistance or detailed instructions, refer to the respective app support or contact our customer service. Happy tracking!
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