If you're looking to change the color of your Moto 360 watch face, here's a simple step-by-step guide:
1. Wake up the Watch and Access Watch Face:
- Wake up your Moto 360 and navigate to the watch face.
2. Access Settings:
- Tap and hold on the center of the watch face.
- When the Settings icon appears below, tap on it.
3. Adjust Complications:
- To modify complications, select any of the three circles on the screen.
4. Change Watch Face Color:
- Look for the brush icon below the watch face; tap on it to access color settings.
5. Select Background Color:
- Swipe up and down to browse and choose your preferred watch background color.
6. Save Changes:
- Once you've selected the color, navigate to the settings.
- Swipe from left to right until you return to the watch face, saving your color preferences.
By following these steps, you can easily personalize the color of your Moto 360 watch face to suit your style and preferences.