If you've been experiencing issues with your Moto Watch 100 where your preferred Distance, Time, Weight, or Temperature units keep resetting, it's crucial to address this problem by making the necessary adjustments through the Moto Watch app. Here's a more technical approach to resolving this:
1. Accessing the Moto Watch App:
- Open the Moto Watch app on your paired smartphone.
2. Navigating to In-App Settings:
- Within the app, locate the "Settings" icon positioned at the top-left corner of the screen. Tap to access it.
3. Modifying Unit Preferences:
- Within the "Settings" menu, look for the "In-app Settings" section.
- Under "In-app Settings," you can modify your preferred units for Distance, Time, Weight, or Temperature as needed.
4. Updating the Watch and App Settings:
- Once you've made the desired changes to your unit settings, these updates will synchronize with both your Moto Watch and the Moto Watch app.
By following these steps, you can effectively address the issue of recurring unit setting resets on your Moto Watch 100, ensuring that your preferences are maintained accurately.