Customizing Weather Metrics on Your Moto Watch

Customizing Weather Metrics on Your Moto Watch

Customizing your device's settings can enhance your experience, and that includes adjusting weather metrics to your preference. Here's how you can change between Celsius and Fahrenheit on your Moto Watch (M100):

1. Access the Settings Screen:
- Navigate to the settings screen on your Moto Watch.
2. Temperature Settings:
- Look for the "temperature settings" option within the settings menu.
3. Toggle Between Celsius and Fahrenheit:
- Within the temperature settings, you'll find the option to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Simply select your desired metric.

If you encounter any issues during this process, or if the metric keeps toggling automatically, make sure your app is up to date. Follow these steps to check your app version:

1. Open the Moto Watch App:
- Launch the Moto Watch app on your mobile device.
2. Access Your Profile:
- Tap on the circle profile icon located in the top left corner of the app.
3. Check the App Version:
- At the bottom of the settings page, you'll find the app version displayed beside the Moto logo.

By following these instructions, you can effortlessly switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit to tailor your Moto Watch (M100) to your preferences. An up-to-date app ensures that you enjoy a smooth and customized weather experience.
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